Need Help???

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You are about to, or just hired someone to do a bunch of work for you and you honeslty don't know everything that is involved.

You tried to find guidance in Blogs, YouTube, Freelance sites... and just can't tell who's legit or if they will charge a fair price.

Manager3 has over 20 years experience in web development and its related services and knows how to find out if the peope you hired or are considering to hire will do the work in the most efficient way possible.

All answers over $40 will come with researched links to highly ranked articles or videos supporting our answers and from publishers we have no affiliation with. 


On the Go

Use us anytime, even on the go. Evening & Weekends too. Whenever that unexpected question pops in your head.

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All-In-One Package

You'd be suprised what we can help you with. So don't hesitate to ask any question. We don't charge you to tell you "we don't do that".

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1How do I know when you will charge me?
I think you'll be surprised at how much we talk to you to make sure you get what you are looking for, and we don't charge for that conversation.
2How quickly will you answer my question?
We get to work on your question right away. So depending on how hard your questions is and if we feel we need to get you the supporting "proof". But if we feel like it may take a while you will get an email from us pretty darn quick estimating how long we think the longer answer will take.
3Why do I need a Manager?
There are a million reasons but in general, a manager3 makes sure your guys are doing things the most efficient way possible. We see people getting charged so much money for very little work and clients don't even realize there was a way to get proof that the work was being done right.
4Why you over other cloud service providers?
If you've ever used cloud/community service providers you know what kind of a gamble it is on whether you will get someone offshore and hard to understand or if they really can do what you need. Everyone always says they can do it... we are here because we KNOW who can and can't.


overworked worker vert

There's literally millions of reason on why you should have a manger overseeing what your team is doing. Click here to read about some of our most compelling reason your should hire a manager.




We think we offer some of the best virtual assistance around. Real people answering real questions. And when you're ready to take it to the next level we will introduce you to a great LIVE manager who is ready to communicate with you and check up on your team.


Why Hire a Manager?

From taking a lot of work off your shoulders to saving you a lot of money...



Get the piece of mind that the work you had done is also secure.


Make sure the work you got is the best possible work.

Technical Support

Now you can afford to continuously stay on top of your technology.

Complete Solutions

You'd be surprised what we can answer or oversee, just ask.